
Md. Amran Hossain, PhD

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DUET, Gazipur

Dr. Amran Hossain was born in Chandpur, Bangladesh, in 1981. He received his Ph.D. degree in the field of Microwave Brain Imaging (Biomedical Imaging) from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia, in 2022. He also received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees with record marks from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh in 2009 and 2015 respectively. Dr. Amran Hossain is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Before this, he has joined the same University as an associate professor in 2022, an Assistant Professor in 2015, and a Lecturer in 2012. He is the author of about seventeen research journal articles, three conference articles, and a few book chapters on various topics related to computer programming language, information system analysis and design, and computer graphics. His research interests include Wireless Communication Antenna Design, Microwave Brain Imaging (Biomedical Imaging), Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN), Wireless Communication with Machine Learning, Image processing and segmentation using deep learning. He is a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a Member of the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).

Mobile: +8801716158271
Email: [email protected]
Address: Computer Science and Engineering Department, New Academic Building (NAB), 6th Floor, Room # 7006, Gazipur
Field of interest: Microwave Brain Imaging, Biomedical Image Processing, Object Detection and Segmentation, Advanced Communications with Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Field of specialization: Microwave Imaging, Biomedical Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP.
Degrees Obtained (Starting from Recent Degrees):
# Degree Institute Year Discipline & Field
1 PhD Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia 2022 Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering, (Field: Microwave Brain Imaging Using Deep Learning Technique)
2 M.Sc. in Eng. Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh 2015 Computer Science and Engineering (Field: Cognitive Radio Naetwork (CRN))
3 B.Sc. in Eng. Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh 2009 Computer Science and Engineering
4 Diploma in Eng. Comilla Polytechnic Institute 2004 Electronics
5 SSC Bania Chawng J.B. High School 1997 Science
Employment Record (Starting from Present Position):
# Designation Institute Duration
1 Professor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 2024-01-02 : Continue
2 Associate Professor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 2022-12-15 : 2024-01-01
3 Assistant Professor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh 2015-07-08 : 2022-12-14
4 Lecturer Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh 2012-11-04 : 2015-07-07
Publications (Journal):
# Year Title Authors Event
1 2024 FT-FEDTL: A fine-tuned feature-extracted deep transfer learning model for multi-class microwave-based brain tumor classification Amran Hossain, Rafiqul Islam, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Phumin Kirawanich, Mohamed S. Soliman ELSEVIER
2 2024 LCNN: Lightweight CNN architecture for software defect feature identification using Explainable AI Momotaz Begum; Mehedi Hasan Shuvo; Mostofa Kamal Nasir; Amran Hossain; Mohammad Jakir Hossain; Imran Ashraf; Jia Uddin;Md Abdus Samad IEEEAccess
3 2023 Sensor-based microwave brain imaging system (SMBIS): An experimental six-layered tissue based human head phantom model for brain tumor diagnosis using electromagnetic signals Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Ahasanul Hoque, Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim, Ahmed S. Alshammari, Muhammad E.H. Chowdhury, Mohamed S. Soliman Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,
4 2023 Brain Tumor Segmentation and Classification from Sensor-Based Portable Microwave Brain Imaging System Using Lightweight Deep Learning Models Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Tawsifur Rahman, Muhammad EH Chowdhury, Anas Tahir, Serkan Kiranyaz, Kamarulzaman Mat, Gan Kok Beng, Mohamed S Soliman Biosensors, Vol: 13, Issue no: 3
5 2023 A Lightweight Deep Learning Based Microwave Brain Image Network Model for Brain Tumor Classification Using Reconstructed Microwave Brain (RMB) Images Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim, Md Atiqur Rahman, Tawsifur Rahman, Haslina Arshad, Amit Khandakar, Mohamed Arslane Ayari, Muhammad EH Chowdhury Biosensors, Vol: 13, Issue no: 2
6 2022 Microwave brain imaging system to detect brain tumor using metamaterial loaded stacked antenna array Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Gan Kok Beng, Saad Bin Abul Kashem, Mohamed S Soliman, Norbahiah Misran, Muhammad EH Chowdhury Scientific Reports, Vol: 12, Issue: 1, Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
7 2022 Preparation of new flexible antenna based on sol–gel synthesized MgxCa (0.9-x) Zn0. 10Fe2O4 nanoparticle for microwave imaging applications Md Atiqur Rahman, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Amran Hossain, Mandeep Jit Singh, Saleh Mohammad Albadran, Mohamed S Soliman, Md Samsuzzaman Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol:20, Publisher: Elsevier
8 2022 A deep learning model to classify and detect brain abnormalities in portable microwave based imaging system Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Ali F Almutairi Scientific Reports, Vol: 12, Issue: 1, Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
9 2021 A YOLOv3 deep neural network model to detect brain tumor in portable electromagnetic imaging system Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Muhammad EH Chowdhury, Ali F Almutairi, Qutaiba A Razouqi, Norbahiah Misran IEEE Access 2021, Vol:9, Publisher: IEEEAccess
10 2021 A mutual coupled spider net-shaped triple split ring resonator based epsilon-negative metamaterials with high effective medium ratio for quad-band microwave applications Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Norbahiah Misran, Md Shabiul Islam, Md Samsuzzaman Results in Physics, Vol: 22, Publisher: Elsevier
11 2020 A planar ultrawideband patch antenna array for microwave breast tumor detection Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Md Tarikul Islam, Muhammad EH Chowdhury, Hatem Rmili, Md Samsuzzaman Materials Journal, Vol:13, Issue: 21, Publisher MDPI
12 2020 A Grounded Coplanar Waveguide-based Slotted Inverted Delta-shaped Wideband Antenna for Microwave Head Imaging Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Muhammad, E. H. Chowdhury, Md Samsuzzaman IEEE Access 2020, Vol:8, Publisher: IEEE Access
13 2020 An Octagonal Ring-shaped Parasitic Resonator Based Compact Ultrawideband Antenna for Microwave Imaging Applications Amran Hossain, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Ali F. Almutairi, Mandeep Singh Jit Singh, Kamarulzaman Mat, Md. Samsuzzaman Sensors Journal, Vol:20, Publisher: MDPI
14 2017 Dynamic Cluster Configuration Protocol (DCCP) for Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks Amran Hossain, Motassem Billah, Md. Masud Rana, Tapas Ray IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), Vol: 19, Issue: 6, Publisher: IOSR
15 2017 Receiver Initiated Dynamic Multiple Common Channel Design (RI-DMCCD) Protocol for Cognitive Radio Network Amran Hossain, Saiful Islam, Sujan Baura, Md.Arifur Rahman Noyon, Sahelee Sultana International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol: 8, Issue: 11
16 2017 Receiver Initiated Multi-channel Medium Access Control protocol for Cognitive Radio Network Amran Hossain, Sahelee Sultana, Obaidur Rahman DUET Journal, Vol: 3, Issue: 1, Publisher: DUET
17 2013 Enhancing Software Quality Using Agile Techniques Amran Hossain, Sahelee Sultana, Md. Abul Kashem IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), Vol: 10, Issue: 2, Publisher OSR - JCE
Publications (Conference):
# Year Title Authors Event
1 2024 SCCNet: An Improved Multi-Class Skin Cancer Classification Network using Deep Learning Tanvir Ahmed; Farzana Sharmin Mou; Amran Hossain 2024 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE)
2 2023 Real-time Vehicle Detection and Classification on the Padma Multipurpose Bridge in Bangladesh Using a Deep Learning Model Md. Alamgir Hossain,Md. Atikur Rahman,Rukaia Khanom,Sahelee Sultana,Amran Hossain International Conference on Next-Generation Computing, IoT and Machine Learning (NCIM) (IEEEXplore)
3 2017 Traffic Adaptive Synchronized Cluster Based MAC Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network Sahelee Sultana, Amran Hossain, Obaidur Rahman International Conference on Emerging Electronic Solutions for IoT (ICEESI 2017)
4 2017 Design a Neighbor Discovery Approach for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network Using Latin Square Matrix Sequence Based Technique Amran Hossain, Md. Motiur Rahman, Md. Arif Hossain, Md. Nasir Hossain Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology Conference
5 2015 Receiver Initiated Multi-channel Medium Access Control protocol for Cognitive Radio Network Amran Hossain, Sahelee Sultana, Obaidur Rahman 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT)
Fellowship / Membership of Scientific and Professional Societies:
# Type Organization Membership Code
1 Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 95417475
2 Member Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). M-35380
Honors and Awards:
# Title Event Year
1 University Gold Medal Secured the highest CGPA in B.Sc. Engineering examination in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of DUET, Gazipur 2009
2 University Grants Commission (UGC) Merit Scholarship Secured the first position among all the students in Faculty of Electrical Electroninc Engineering (EEE) of DUET 2007
3 Dean’s Award Secured honors grade in consecutive semesters in an academic year in B.Sc. engineering program 2009
Guided Ph. D./ M.Sc. / M.Engg. Students:
# Programme Awarded Students Running Students
1 B.Sc. 30 0
List of Conferences, Short-term Course etc. Organized or Participated):
# Event Organizer Role Year
1 International Conference on Next-Generation Computing, IoT and Machine Learning (NCIM) DUET TPC Member 2023
2 International Conference on Big data, IoT and Machine Learning (BIM) 2022 CUET Reviewer 2022
3 Sensors, Journal MDPI Reviewer 2022
4 Scientefic Journal Springer nature Reviewer 2024
Course Conducted:
# Programme Course No Course Title Year
1 B.Sc. CSE-4623 Artificial Intelligence 2015-2019
2 B.Sc. CSE-4624 Artificial Intelligence Sessional 2015-2019
3 B.Sc. CSE-3621 Information System Analysis & Design 2012-2018
4 B.Sc. CSE-3622 Information System Analysis & Design Sessional 2012-2018
5 B.Sc. CSE-3221 Operating System 2015-2019
6 B.Sc. CSE-3222 Operating System Sessional 2015-2019
7 B.Sc. CSE-4621 Computer Graphics & Multimedia 2016
8 B.Sc. CSE-4622 Computer Graphics & Multimedia Sessional 2016
9 B.Sc. CSE-3311 Database Systems 2014-2017
10 B.Sc. CSE-3422 Data Communication Sessional 2014-2017
11 M.Sc. CSE-6202 Data Mining and Warehousing 2017-2019
12 M.Sc. CSE-6305 Cloud Computing 2015-2017
13 B.Sc. CSE-1823 Digital Logic & System Design 2013-2015
14 B.Sc. CSE-1824 Digital Logic & System Design Sessional 2013-2015
15 B.Sc. CSE-2821 Digital Electronics & Pulse Technique 2012-2014
16 B.Sc. CSE-2822 Digital Electronics & Pulse Technique Sessional 2012-2014
17 B.Sc. CSE-3223 Compiler Design 2015-2018
18 B.Sc. CSE-3224 Compiler Design Sessional 2015-2018
19 B.Sc. CSE-4721 Software Engineering 2015-2018
20 B.Sc. CSE-2124 Numerical Methods Sessional 2012-2014
21 B.Sc. CSE-3312 Database Systems Sessional 2015-2019
22 M.Sc. CSE-6111 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing 2023
23 B.Sc. CSE-4619 Machine Learning 2023
24 M.Sc. CSE-6110 Machine Learning 2023
25 B.Sc. CSE-4620 Machine Learning Sessional 2023
26 B.Sc. CSE-4629 Pattern Recognition 2023
27 B.Sc. CSE-4630 Pattern Recognition Sessional 2023