
Md. Mohedul Hasan, MPhil

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, DUET, Gazipur

Md. Mohedul Hasan is serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh. He received his Master of Science in Mathematics from Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2014. The title of his thesis was “Numerical Solution of Integral Equations”. Earlier, he received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2013. His key publications topics are integral equation, operation research and fluid dynamics. He was born in Gaibandha, Bangladesh.

Mobile: +88 01741170885
Email: [email protected]
Office: 49274034-53
Address: Room No.-10023, 9th floor, Sayed Nazrul Islam Academic Bhaban, Department of Mathematics, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur-1707, Gazipur,
Field of interest: Numerical Analysis, Integral Equation, Operation Research & Fluid Dynamics
Field of specialization: Integral Equation, Operation Research & Fluid Dynamics
Degrees Obtained (Starting from Recent Degrees):
# Degree Institute Year Discipline & Field
1 MPhil Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) 2024 Mathematics
2 M.Sc. Dhaka University 2014 Mathematics
3 B.Sc (Hons.) Dhaka University 2013 Mathematics
4 HSC Nazir Akhter Govt. College 2008 Science
5 SSC Sonatala Pilot High School 2006 Science
Employment Record (Starting from Present Position):
# Designation Institute Duration
1 Assistant Professor Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur 2023-05-30 : Continue
2 Lecturer Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur 2019-11-24 : 2023-05-29
3 Lecturer Northern University Bangladesh 2017-09-14 : 2019-11-23
Publications (Journal):
# Year Title Authors Event
1 2023 Influence of thermal conductivity on transient mixed convection in a vented cavity with a hollow cylinder and filled with CNT-water nanofluid Mohedul Hasan, Shadman Sakib Priam, Abrar Nur-E Faiaz, A.K. Azad & M.M. Rahman Heliyon open access (Elsevier)
2 2020 Numerical Double Integration for Unequal Data Spaces Md. Nayan Dhali, Nandita Barman, Md. Mohedul Hasan, A. K. M. Selim Reza I. J. Mathematical Sciences and Computing
3 2018 Effect of Temperature on Atomic Scattering Curve Haque MM, Hasan MM and Islam MM Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics
4 2017 Application of linear programming in scheduling problem Md Mohedul Hasan, Md Rajib Arefin The Dhaka University Journal of Science
5 2017 Approximate solution of nonlinear integral equations of the second kind by using homotopy perturbation method MM Hasan, MA Matin The Dhaka University Journal of Science
6 2017 Solving nonlinear integral equations by using Adomian decomposition method Mohedul Hasan Md and Abdul Matin Md Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics
7 2017 Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations by Using NKM and ADM M. M. Hasan and M. A. Matin The Dhaka University Journal of Science
Fellowship / Membership of Scientific and Professional Societies:
# Type Organization Membership Code
1 Member Bangladesh Mathematical Society 996