
Md. Showkat Osman, PhD

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur

Md. Showkat Osman is a Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh. He is a Selection Grade Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering and the most senior Professor (Seniority Position- 01) of this university. Currently, he is serving as a Director of the Planning and Development Office. Previously he served as various key academic and administrative roles like Dean, faculty of civil engineering; Head, department of civil engineering; Head, department of textile engineering; Director of Students' Welfare (DSW); Director, centre for climate change and sustainability research; Hall Provost, SM hall and so no. He received his doctorate in the field of environmental engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharaghpur, India in 1995. Earlier he received his M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India in 1988, and his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Chittagang University in 1982 with outstanding result (1st Class 1st). He is an author of two books. His 06 (six) nos research work have been published in reputed national and international journal. Around 20 (twenty) papers have been published in different conference proceedings. During his 40 years long academic career, he has 03 (three) PhD students (02 nos ongoing) and 22 (Twenty-two) MSc Engg students (07 nos ongoing). He is a renowned expert in the field of managing and implementing development projects in university level. This academician has multi-tier experience in academic and administrative arena in university education sector. He has visited, Philippines, India, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Malaysia, Vietnam, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, France, Japan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Germany, , Switzerland, Italy and Turkey as an academician, researcher and as an expert member to attend in conference, seminar/symposium and workshop. In his personal life, he has wife with two brilliant daughters, both are graduated from IBA, DU (Elder: 1st class 2nd and Younger: 1st class 1st).

Mobile: +880 1711-884047
Email: [email protected]
Office: +880249274034-53 EXT: 1051,
Address: 128/4 SULTANGANJ (2nd FL.), RAYER BAZAR, DHAKA-1209,
Field of interest: Sustainable Water and Environmental Planning, Climate Smart Development, Smart Industrial Waste Management and Sustainable WASH Planning and Management.
Field of specialization: Environmental Engineering, Climate change related to water and environment, Disaster Risk Management and Risk Reduction, Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA), Water and Waste water Management, Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management.
Degrees Obtained (Starting from Recent Degrees):
# Degree Institute Year Discipline & Field
1 PhD IIT, Kharagpur, India 1996 Environmental Engineering
2 M.Sc. in Eng. IIT Kanpur, India 1988 Environmental Engineering
3 B.Sc. in Eng. Chittagong University 1984 Civil Engineering
Employment Record (Starting from Present Position):
# Designation Institute Duration
1 Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur 2007-07-01 : Continue
2 Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Dhaka 2000-06-29 : 2001-05-14
3 Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Dhaka 1998-12-20 : 2000-06-28
4 Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Dhaka 1988-09-22 : 1998-12-19
5 Lecturer Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Dhaka 1984-11-15 : 1988-09-21
Other Related Experience (Indutry, Institution, etc.):
# Designation Institute Duration
1 Project Director Further Development of Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur Project (FDDP), DUET, Gazipur 2016-01-01 : 2023-06-30
2 Project Director on Deputation University Grants Commission of Bangladesh & Council of BIT 2001-05-15 : 2007-06-30
3 Project Director, IPE-Arch Project Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur 2013-01-02 : 2017-12-31
4 Sub-Project Manager (SPM) Development of a centre for climate change and sustainability research in Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur 2011-01-01 : 2014-12-31
5 Project Leader, DUET-NICHE Project Capacity Development in the field of climate change related to water and environment of the Department of Civil Engineering project, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur 2012-10-12 : 2018-02-20
Additional Charges:
# Designation Faculty/ Department/ Institute/ Office Duration
1 Director Planning and Development 2010-01-01 : Continue
2 Dean Faculty of CE 2010-03-31 : 2012-03-31
3 Head CE 2008-02-01 : 2010-01-31
4 Head TE 2006-07-01 : 2008-06-01
5 Director IWE 2014-01-21 : 2020-06-14
6 Director Student Welfare 2006-07-01 : 2008-06-01
7 Provost SM Hall 1990-09-01 : 1992-07-01
Publications (Journal):
# Year Title Authors Event
1 2023 Co-liquefaction of faecal sludge and water hyacinth: Exploring the fuel characteristics of biocrude including thermal maturation and petroleum fractionation Raihan Khan Opu, Md Refat Hossain, Md Sabbir Hasan Monir, Rofiqul Hasan Shanto, Md Showkat Osman Biomass and Bioenergy Volume 173, June 2023, 106785, ELSEVIER, Germany
2 1999 Bioseparation of lead (II) ions from wastewater by using a fungus p. ostreatus M. S. Osman & M. Bandyopadhyay Journal of Civil Engg. IEB, CE.27 (2), 183-196, Bangladesh
3 1996 Cadmium removal from water environment by a fungus volveriella volvacea M. S. Osman & M. Bandyopadhyay Bioprocess Engineering, 14, 249-254, Germany
4 1995 Sorption of heavy metals by macrofungi M. S. Osman, Y. Subramanyam & M. Bandyopadhyay Journal IAEM, 22, 130-135, India
5 1994 Copper removal by volvariella volvacea to upgrade wastewater treatment plants Y. Subramanyam, M. S. Osman & M. Bandyopadhyay Journal of the IPHE, 1994(3), 14-21, India
6 1990 Bacteria and Turbidity removal from water by bituminous coal pretreated with alum and silver M. S. Osman & M. Chaudhuri Proceedings 2nd biennial water quality symposium: Microbial Aspects, Chile
Publications (Conference):
# Year Title Authors Event
1 2018 Development of A Noise Insulating Cover for Selected Sewing Machine Used in Garments Section Hamamah Sadiqa, M. Al-Amin and Md. Showkat Osman Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Washington DC, USA, September 27-29, 2018
2 2017 Scenario of Clinical Waste management in Rangpur City and its effects on Environment Md. Golam Kibria, Most. Nahid Farjana, Hamamah Sadiqa, and Md. Showkat Osman International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015) at DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh
3 2015 Investigating the possibilities of Reusing Textile Wash Water directly for Pretreatment (Scouring and Bleaching) of Knit Cotton goods M. S. Osman, G.C. Saha, S.M.A. Islam, Md. Abu Shaid, M. S. Reza, and H.M.A. Hoque Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Green Buildings, Civil and Architecture Engineering (ICGBCAE’15), 25-26 December 2015, Dubai, UAE.
4 2015 Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Integrated Agricultural Approach S.M.A. Islam, M. S. Osman, G.C. Saha, H.M.A. Hoque and M. S. Reza Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Green Buildings, Civil and Architecture Engineering (ICGBCAE’15), 25-26 December 2015, Dubai, UAE.
5 2015 Impact of Textile Dyeing Wastewater Irrigation on Yield, Growth and Food Value of Tomato G.C. Saha, M. S. Osman, S.M.A. Islam, S. Khandakar, H.M.A. Hoque and M. S. Reza Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Green Buildings, Civil and Architecture Engineering (ICGBCAE’15), 25-26 December 2015, Dubai, UAE.
6 2012 Pollution Scenario of Brick Industry and Way Forward H.M.Asiful Hoque, Zaber Ahmed , S.M.A Islam, G.C. Saha and Md. Showkat Osman Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Waste Management and Process Efficiency (IWMPE-2012), 12-14 November 2012, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh
7 2012 Effect of Textile Dyeing Wastewater on Growth and Yield of Indian Spinach and Stem Amaranth S. Khandakar, J.Hasan, Ariful Hasan, Selim Reza, G.C. Saha, Md. Showkat Osman and S.M.A. Islam Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Waste Management and Process Efficiency (IWMPE-2012), 12-14 November 2012, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh
8 2012 Impact of climate induced disaster in some coastal areas of Bangladesh H.M.A. Hoque, Biswajit Biswas, Md. Showkat Osman, G.C. Saha, S.M.A. Islam, Sadia Afrose, Md. Ariful Hasan and Md. Selim Reza Proceedings of the National Seminar on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation, Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Department of Civil Engineering, DUET - Gazipur, Bangladesh, June, 2012, pp-148-167.
9 2012 Soil salinity removal from agricultural land by using gypsum Md. Shajahan Alam, S.M.A. Islam and Md. Showkat Osman Proceedings of the National Seminar on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation, Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh, June’12, pp-139-146.
10 2012 Effect of different stages of textile dying effluent on seed germination of kangkong Jahidul Hassan, Shajalal Khandaker, Mohammed Zia Uddin Kamal, Ganesh Chandra Saha , Md.Showkat Osman,S.M Atiqul Islam Proceedings of the National Seminar on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation, Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Department of Civil Engineering, DUET - Gazipur, Bangladesh, June, 2012, pp-128-138
11 2012 Socio-economic impacts of climate change: case study in coastal villages of Bangladesh S.M.A. Islam, Md. Showkat Osman, G.C. Saha, H.M.A. Hoque, Md. Ariful Hasan, Biswajit Biswas, Selim Reza and Sadia Afrose Proceedings of the National Seminar on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation, Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Department of Civil Engineering, DUET - Gazipur, Bangladesh, June, 2012, pp-16-26
12 2012 Study on reusing possibilities of Textile Wash Water directly for Pretreatment (Scouring and Bleaching) of Cotton goods Dr. Md. Showkat Osman, and Md. Abu Shaid Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2012), 2~3 March 2012, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh
13 2009 Interaction of Low Cost Bandal Structures for Sediment management. Rahman, Md. Lutfor, B.C.Basak, Md. Showkat Osman and Md. Altaf Hossain Proceedings of the National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal and Environmental Engineering (HYDRO 2009), Central Water & Power Research Station and the Indian Society for Hydraulics, Pune, Maharashtra, India, December 17-18, 2009, pp-41-46
14 2009 “Environment friendly structures named Bandalling for river bank erosion protection”. Rahman, Md. Lutfor, B.C. Basak and Md. S. Osman Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Hydraulics (IWEH09), Environmental Hydraulics, Theoretical, Experimental & Computational Solutions, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 29-30 October, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-415-56697-1, pp-159-162, Spain
15 2009 Proceedings of the National Speciality Conference on River Hydraulics, Maharishi Markandeshhwar University, Mullana and Indian Society for Hydraulics, Ambala, Mullana, Haryana, India, 29-30 October, 2009, pp-47-50 Rahman, Md. Lutfor, B.C. Basak and Md. Showkat Osman Proceedings of the National Speciality Conference on River Hydraulics, Maharishi Markandeshhwar University, Mullana and Indian Society for Hydraulics, Ambala, Mullana, Haryana, India, 29-30 October, 2009, pp-47-50
16 2009 “Velocity Distribution around Low Cost Structures named Bandalling for the River Bank Erosion Protection”. Rahman, Md. Lutfor, B.C. Basak and Md. S. Osman Proceedings of the 6th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM-2009), Universidad Nacional del Litotal, Argentina, 21-25 September, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-415-55426-8, Vol-1, pp-497-502, Argentina
17 2009 Response of Low cost Bamboo Bandalling Structures for Navigation Channel Development. Rahman, Md. Lutfor, B.C.Basak, Md. Showkat Osman Proceedings of the National Seminar on Engineers’ Role in Developing a Safer Mega City, Dhaka Centre, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2009, pp-9-13
18 2001 Industrial pollution in Bangladesh & its management through environmental management system. Dr. Md. Showkat Osman Bangladesh Chemical Society -Annual Conference
19 1994 Control of cadmium pollution by volveriella volvacea M. S. Osman & M. Bandyopadhyay Seminar on “our environment: Its challenges to development projects”, MM 1-8, India
Fellowship / Membership of Scientific and Professional Societies:
# Type Organization Membership Code
1 Member P.E., American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) M-385625
2 Fellow Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) F-4225
3 Member Bangladesh Environmental Society (BES) NA
4 Member National EIA Association of Bangladesh (NEAB) NA
Guided Ph. D./ M.Sc. / M.Engg. Students:
# Programme Awarded Students Running Students
1 M.Sc. 20 15
Student Details:
2 M. Eng. 7 5
Student Details:
3 PhD 1 2
Student Details:
List of Conferences, Short-term Course etc. Organized or Participated):
# Event Organizer Role Year
1 New Media and Interactive Teaching Methodologies Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur Chief Coordinator and Resource Person 2013
2 Industrial Management and Increase Process Efficiency by Waste Minimization Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur Chief Coordinator and Resource Person 2011
3 Procurement Management Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur Resource Person 2011
4 Climate Change Impact and Adaptation for Bangladesh Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur Chief Coordinator and Resource Person 2011
5 GIS Database Management and Application in Climate Change Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur Chief Coordinator and Resource Person 2011
6 Building with Nature related to Water and Environment Department of Civil Engineering, DUET, Gazipur Resource Person 2014